無料漫画読み放題サービス「YouBooks ユーブックス」TOPページ 写真集 CRP FRANCE Paris Nice 1989-90 CITROEN Vol.1

CRP FRANCE Paris Nice 1989-90 CITROEN Vol.1


CITROËN 1989-90 Vol.1 I find Citroëns fascinating. I am a big fan of their design concept, and until I had to scrap it after an accident, I drove a Citroën BX, one that I had purchased in 1987, for about nine years. Famous Japanese designer and artist Kiyoshi Awazu once told me that the main reason he bought a Citroën was due to the fact it was the only car on the market that could handily fit B1-sized panels in the trunk. In 1988, I heard that a certain automobile firm set up a luxury sales channel to sell sports cars it had developed in conjunction with Citroën. Naturally, I leapt at the chance to join in on the planning and production of the advertising campaign. The location for the photo shoot for this campaign was, of course, Paris. I had hoped that once there, I would be able to view a great variety of Citroën cars from yesteryear, traversing the streets of the city. Yet, I was disappointed to find they were actually few in number. I recall the feeling I had at the time when I spotted an old model; it was as if I had discovered a UFO. This collection is comprised primarily of shots taken from the windows of the bus as we drove about whilst on location – whenever I came across a Citroën, my finger was pressing down on the shutter button. 50page Photo 40 points CITROËN 1989-90 Vol.1 シトロエンは面白い。 私は、そのユニークな設計思想の大ファンであり1987年からシトロエンBXに事故で廃車にするまでの9年間乗り続けた。デザイン界の巨匠粟津絜氏はシトロエン購入の最大の理由はB全のパネルがトランクルームに収められる唯一の車だったからと私に語られた事があった。 1988年、ある自動車メーカーが、シトロエン車と自社開発のスポーツカーを販売する新しい高級チャネル(販売店)を立ち上げると聞いた。 もちろん、速攻で、そのキャンペーンの企画制作に参加を表明。 ロケ地は、当然パリ。 歴代のシトロエンが現役で走る勇姿を見ることが出来ると期待したが、意外にも数は少なかった。 それゆえ、古いシトロエンを見つけると、まるでUFOを発見したような感動を覚えた。 これらの写真は、ロケ場所への移動中にロケバスからの撮影が主であり 常にシトロエンを探し求めシャッターを切り続けた。 50ページ 写真40点

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