[無料] 許す武道 合気道 ― 入身一足の理合
日常の徒手稽古に、剣を持てば剣、杖を持てば杖と、あらゆる再現ができてこそ、融和、創造、育成を説いた開祖の心がはじめて実現できる―― 触れ合う前に勝負を決める“入身一足”の理合をベースに、独自の理論を展開。武術を根源としながらも破壊、闘争にならない開祖の合気道を目指し、研鑚を重ねてきた西尾師範の、50余年に及ぶ修行の集大成! 技の一つひとつに著者の理念を込めた、従来の武道書には稀有な技術解説書(日英対記版)。 総論では、許す武道・合気道の理念を体現するための三つの重要な要素「入身」、「当て」、「禊の剣」の技術について解説、技術編では、各技の意味、重要な理合 、そしてそこから学べる開祖の心と技を、徒手のみでなく、剣、杖で再現。 This 208-page technical volume is written by one of the greatest teachers of the postwar era, Shoji Nishio Sensei. This is Nishio Sensei’s first book and is presented in bilingual, Japanese-English format for an international readership. This beautiful volume contains hundreds of technical photos illustrating Nishio Sensei’s empty-handed techniques along with detailed explanations and commentary on their interrelationships with the ken and jo, and the deeper principles of aikido. 〈目次〉 【 Ⅰ 】 総論 理念 ―― 許す武道 基本的技術 入身一足 入身について ・立ち方/相手に正しく正対する/横面と正面の立ち方/剣と杖であらわす入身のさばき 当ての知識 ・合気道でよく使われる当ての種類/エンピの基本の動きとその応用/当ての使用例 禊の剣 ・立ち方 本書で紹介している合気道の稽古体系 【 Ⅱ 】 技術編 逆半身 ・回転投げ/片手取り二教/前方下崩し二教/手を取らせず三教/片手取り小手返し 相半身片手取り ・四方投げ/小手返し/三教 袖取り二技 ・小手返し/両袖取り二教 肩取り面打ち ・四方投げ/ニ教/三教 正面打ち ・側面入身投げ /四方投げ(表)/一教(表)/二教(裏) /三教(裏抑え)/締め技 横面打ち ・入身投げ/四方投げ/五教/二教/小手返し CONTENTS 1. Overview Yurusu Budo - Budo of Acceptance Basic Technique - Irimi-Issoku Irimi ・Facing your opponent correctly / Posture for yokomen and shomen / Irimi body-shifting using the sword and staff Striking knowledge ・Strikes commonly used in aikido /Basic elbow movements & striking applications /Examples of striking within a technique The sword of purification Aikido training systems introduced in this book 2. Techniques Gyakuhanmi Kaitennage Empty-handed technique / Technique while wielding a sword Katatedori nikyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Zenpo shitakuzushi nikyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Te o torasezu sankyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Katatedori kotegaeshi Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Aihanmi katatedori Shihonage Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Kotegaeshi Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Sankyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Two sodedori techniques Kotegaeshi Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Ryosodedori Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Katadori menuchi Shihonage Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Nikyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Sankyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Shomenuchi Sokumen iriminage Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Shihonage (omote) Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Ikkyo (omote) Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Nikyo (ura) Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Sankyo (uraosae) Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Shimewaza Empty-handed technique Yokomenuchi Iriminage Empty-handed technique Shihonage Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Gokyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Nikyo Empty-handed technique / Technique with two swords / Technique with sword & staff Kotegaeshi Empty-handed technique
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